News: There's a Neat Nav Bar Animation When You Squeeze the New Pixel 2

There's a Neat Nav Bar Animation When You Squeeze the New Pixel 2

If you looked away for a split-second during Google's Pixel 2 hardware event earlier today, you probably missed a nifty little finishing touch. While demonstrating the new "Active Edge" squeezable frame that launches the Google Assistant, a subtle animation was briefly shown on stage.

The navigation buttons at the bottom of the display shrink together for a second when you squeeze the phone. Similar to the long-press home button gesture that activates the Google Assistant on first-generation Pixel devices, this is a nice little software response to a real-world interaction. It should definitely give Active Edge a more tactile feel.

Look closely and watch the navigation bar. Image by Unbox Master/YouTube

Easy to miss, right? But that's the point — it's not in your face, but it's there if you're looking closely. Google has been great about these types of software interactions ever since they launched Material Design, and it seems like they're only getting better.

The nifty squeeze animation for Active Edge. Image by Google/YouTube

What are your thoughts on the new Pixel 2 and Pixel 2 XL? So far, they're looking like solid successors to one of the best Android phones ever made, but we'd love to hear your personal take in the comment section below!

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Cover image via Google/YouTube

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